When you are in the moment of spilling something onto a carpet flooring, often times your first instinct would be to grab a washcloth and some water and slowly dab or rub the stain out until it is gone. Not only is this an unrealistic expectation of carpet cleaning, but Wesley chapel residents need to be aware that cleaning with water is often times never the best choice when it comes to other cleaning solutions and home remedies. A lot of people associate taking a shower with getting clean, but are you really cleaning yourself if you are not using soap? This is quite similar to cleaning a carpet stain with only water.
Water Doesn’t Fight Stains
Usually what happens when you drop food or a beverage onto carpet flooring and only dab it with water, it dilutes the area enough to make it look like the stain is going away, but what it really is doing is diluting and moving it around into a thinner area. With carpet cleaning, Wesley Chapel residents want to remove the stain, not spread it out so it looks like its not as concentrated. Not only does water not help much, but it can also cause more problems than you initially thought.
Water can be Damaging
Some people are quick to think that using a lot of water is a great way to clean a stain but this is not true, and can actually be damaging. Too much water can seep under your carpet and settle, causing prime conditions for mold growth. With carpet cleaning, Wesley Chapel residents should use cleaners that kill mold and mildew that can cause health problems such as sickness or respiratory complications. Water can also damage carpet if it is let to sit around instead of being picked up.
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